Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Will chopping/tilling/Turning the soil around my sunflowers hurt it or help it?

As the topic title reads. I have been trying to grow evening sun sunflowers, and I started about a week ago. They're growing at a pretty steady rate , and Im paying close attention to them by checking for bugs, fungus, and the what nots so that they may grow unhindered. I reinforce their growing stems with a mound of dirt around each one for support, and I do not use pesticides or anything other than a mild plant food that I ter every once and awhile. I water it plenty enough to keep the soil moist, and I emphasize how much I keep an eye on these little guys. I tried growing one up in my apartment in newfoundland and it grew pretty well but just eventually gave out because it needed more than just what the pot had to offer I suppose. Any tips and advice (such as identifying stages with this sunflowers growth, or any major information that I should know). I turn the soil and keep it aerated around the mounds I have but I dont know if Im doing something good or bad.Thanks!

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